How should warning messages be interpreted when eliminating problems in a model?

The most important step in debugging a WM3D model is to gather as much information about the problem as possible. WM3D provides this information in the form of five different warning messages:

These messages are meant to be a warning to the user that there may be a problem with the model as it is constructed. If the simulation is allowed to continue, unreliable behavior may result (not necessarily immediately following the warning message).

The exception to this rule is the "Redundant Constraint" warning. Redundant constraints may affect the loads carried by constraints but they will not affect the motion of your system (and all computed values other than constraint forces and torques will be reliable). See What is meant by the warning "Redundant Constraints"? for more details.

Subsequent runnings of the simulation after receiving a warning will not display the warning unless changes are made to the model or Erase History is selected from the World menu. To ensure that your simulation is not overlooking any warning messages (because they have already been flashed):

1. Select World - Accuracy and confirm that all four warning messages are checked in the Simulation Accuracy dialog. (By default, "Redundant Constraints" is unchecked because they do not affect the motion of your simulation. Leave it unchecked if you desire.)

2. Select World - Erase History to start the simulation from scratch (if a change is made to the model since the last running of the simulation, the history will be erased automatically).

3. Run the simulation.

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Versioni pertinenti:

Working Model 2D, visualNastran 3D Motion, 4D, simWise

Data ultimo aggiornamento: 2 settembre 2011

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