Cosa significa l'avviso "Initial Body Overlap"?If two bodies are set to collide and are initially positioned to overlap one another by more than the overlap tolerance (see How should Simulation Accuracy settings be modified? or "Simulation Error Tolerances" nell'Appendice dell'User's Manual), a message results warning the user that two bodies are overlapping. If the message is ignored and the simulation is allowed to run regardless, the resulting simulation may be inaccurate because large forces will be generated at the simulation's start to separate the overlapping bodies. This can create the appearance of an explosion. It is therefore advised that Initial Body Overlap warnings be corrected. To correct Initial Body Overlap errors, one of two things can be done. Either select the two overlapping bodies together (see What methods can be used to select objects in WM3D?) and make them Penetrate (available under the Object menu), or move the bodies apart using the Move tool to eliminate the overlap. The Initial Body Overlap warning message reports only two bodies at a time. A subsequent running may therefore reveal two other bodies that are set to Collide and positioned to overlap. In such instances, proceed through the model fixing one Initial Body Overlap error at a time. Versioni pertinenti: Working Model 2D, visualNastran 3D Motion, 4D, SimWiseData ultimo aggiornamento: 2 settembre 2011