FzzXWm3D3IE64WindCyliMass ?zG{?333333@@@ep? ϝ_? ϝ_?I8]=??? @ep #0   ?zG{V|?zG{???' Disk'l??$???'???'MBoxMass ???zG|@@@T@[z2q@[z2q@*??? @T #0   ?zG|V|zG|???' Ground'l??$?YYYYYY?YYYYYY?'?YYYYYY?YYYYYY?'Poit V|?zG|???'GroundToCenterRevolute'l$?U=?䎊q?+jg'?U=?䎊q?+jg'Poit V|zG{!TD-??'DiskToCenterRevolute'l$?U=?䎊q?+jg'?U=?䎊q?+jg'Poit V|?zG{???'DiskToExternalForce'l$?U=?䎊q?+jg'?U=?䎊q?+jg' Poit V|??zG|???'"GroundToOffsetSphericalSlot'l$?U=?䎊q?+jg'?U=?䎊q?+jg' Poit V|?zG{???' DiskToOffsetSphericalSlot'l$?U=?䎊q?+jg'?U=?䎊q?+jg'Poit V|?Q???'DiskToExternalTorque'l$?U=?䎊q?+jg'?U=?䎊q?+jg''SMgr ??zG{@>?zG{ ????Q??Q??zG{????PbM??333333?333333?tzG{???''l'Hist    ''l'unit ' un_Mkg??un_Dm??unRtdeg@Lc?FR9un_CA??un_KK??unsmmole??un_Ts??unFFN??unEN??unWWW??unCHC??unRs??unVl??unHz??unRV??unSp??'Tkg/m^3??m^3??N m??'tile ''l'iprt ''l'#Anno The location of the second constraint (Offset Spherical Slot) is dependent on the shape of the surface in contact. For a circular contact area, the second constraint is located 2*R/3 away from the area's centroid (where the first constraint exists): T = F * r dT = dF * r where dF = mu * (N/A) * r * dr * dTHETA dT = mu * (N/A) * r^2 * dr * dTHETA integrating over r = 0 -> R and THETA = 0 -> 2 * pi T = mu * (N/A) * (R^3/3) * 2 * pi with A = pi * R^2 T = mu * N * (2*R/3)" Jeff HoltKnowledge Revolution 3, 0, 0, 117''l'$.AVI  ''l'%.DAT   ''l'(RunX % frame()>=10&''l')ALT_ n''l'BKEng *T?zG{?zG{>h?PbM"X?zG{?zG{?PbM+?FR9A?zG{''l'CGrav $#:=W Ԇ'gravity'ldR_3D fF(???p''lfCAMR ??@?5WHlH?oH? b 2 R?bf/o@}-??V|?*?f? /ytw,h?v=(1@]pKFI)$IV4 ?ي5?{aGaX?ۊ)>:w?Ie&?GdDj''l$?333333'?333333'Cnst d  output[21].y3'Center Revolute'l`$?vȴ?Fs?n'?vȴ?Fs?n'forcCnst 4 input[17] input[18] input[19] ?'External Force'l0 input[17] input[18] input[19]$?vȴ?Fs?n'?vȴ?Fs?n'metr @timeconstraint[5].force.xconstraint[5].force.y?sqrt( sqr(constraint[5].force.x) + sqr(constraint[5].force.y) )constraint[5].force.z '4-Center Revolute force on DiskToCenterRevolute'ltFxFyFx-Fy magnitudeFzm Cnst d   output[21].y3'Offset Spherical Slot'l`$?vȴ?Fs?n'?vȴ?Fs?n'metr @ftimeconstraint[11].force.xconstraint[11].force.ymag(constraint[11].force) '>8Offset Spherical Slot force on DiskToOffsetSphericalSlot'lvtFxFyFx-Fy magnitudem Inpt ?n@qdr'$Coefficient of Static Friction'lo;wptorqCnst ,  input[23] ?'External Torque'l( input[23]$?vȴ?Fs?n'?vȴ?Fs?n'Inpt nI@Iqdr' X-Force of External Force'lo  pInpt nI@Iqdr' Y-Force of External Force'lo  6pInpt nI@Iqdr' Z-Force of External Force'lo 7 spmetr @frame()1if(t=0, 1, output[8].y3 < input[13]*output[8].y4)2if(t=0, 1, output[14].y3 < input[13]*output[8].y4)#and( output[21].y1, output[21].y2 ) '*$Static Friction let go determination'lframeCenter Revolute breaks if = 0Offset Spherical breaks if = 0*If either one lets breaks, break both (=0)m Inpt @333334n$@$qdr'"Z-Torque of External Torque'lo r p