
Il modo ideale per apprendere Alibre nei ritagli di tempo.
Alibre Design è un software CAD facile da apprendere ed usare. Tuttavia, la vastità di opzioni possibili per ogni comando potrebbe disorientare, e la nuova metodologia operativa per modellare in 3D potrebbe non risultare subito chiara a chi ha sempre disegnato solo in 2D. Tenendo conto proprio di questo Albre propone una raccolta di ben 130 filmati esplicativi, disponibili gratuitamente nell'elenco qui sotto oppure fornibili a pagamento su supporto DVD, praticamente tutto il materiale che compone due intere giornate (8+8 ore) di corso. I filmati in lingua inglese possono essere seguiti anche senza l'audio, essendo chiaramente illustrato ogni movimento e click del mouse per eseguire ogni modello esplorando tutte le funzionalità presentate nelle varie specifiche.
Vi invitiamo a consultare gratuitamente i links dell'elenco seguente, mentre in italiano sono disponibili vari esercizi gratuiti.
- Overview of Alibre - Geomagic Design
- Introduction – Zoom, Pan, and Rotate
- Auto Recovery Feature
- Color Schemes And Toolbars
Spazio di lavoro e prime figure
- Open vs. Closed
- Reference Figures
- Creating a Line
- Creating a Rectangle
- Creating a Circle, Ellipse, and Arc
- Creating a Polygon
- Creating a B-spline
- Editing Items In The Design Explorer
- Select Mode vs. Sketch Mode
- Grid and Snap
- Lasso Selection
- Sketch Dimensioning
- Real Time Dimensions
- Degrees of Freedom Color Callouts
- Reference Figures
- Sketch Shapes
- Sketch Text
Le operazioni di disegno
- Analyze Sketch
- Extend, Trim, and Intersect
- Copy, Paste, and Stamp
- Copy, Move, and Rotate
- Offset and Mirror
- Catalog Features
- New Plane And Multiplane
- Create a New Axis
I vincoli
- Constraint Basics
- Auto Implied Constraints and Sketch Constraint Override
- Fixed Constraints
- Vertical And Horizontal
- Symmetric Sketch Constraints
- Intersection Constraints
- Midline Constraints
- Coradial Constraints
- Concentric Constraints
- Tangent Constraints
- Colinear Constraints
- Parallel and Perpendicular Constraints
- Equal Constraints
- Coincident Constraints
La modellazione solida
- Extrude Boss Cut
- Revolve
- Loft
- Helix
- Thin Wall
- Hole And Preset
- External Threads
- Insert Surface
- Fillet And Chamfer Tools
- Feature Pattern & Topology Pattern
- Scale & Mirror
- Draft Surface
- Shell
- Trim Model
- Boolean
- Color
- Configurations
- Measurement Tool and Physical Properties
- Direct Editing
- Project to Sketch
- Create A Point
- 3D Section Views
- View Display
- Selection Filters And View (Turn On/Off Items)
- Rotation Points
- Save Custom Views
L'utilizzo di forme 3D
- 3D Sketch – Overview
- Plane Rotation and Elevation
- Define Coordinate System
- Project to Sketch
Sviluppo lamiera
- Introduction to Sheet Metal
- Tab
- Contour
- Lofted Flange
- Convert To Sheet Metal Part
- Flange
- Closed Corner and Round Corner
- Dimple
- Cut
- Unbend And Rebend
- Flat Pattern, Locked Part, And Insert Into A 2D Drawing
- Introduction To Assemblies
- Constraints Overview
- Quick Linear Constraints
- Quick Mate Constraints
- Cylindrical Assembly Constraints
- Drag and Drop Assembly Constraints
- Troubleshooting Assembly Constraints
- Reference Geometry
- Moving And Rotating Parts
- Precise Placement
- Multiple Instances Of The Same Part
- Duplicate Parts
- Design Explorer & Right Click Options
- Design Methodology
- Edit Parts in Context of Assembly
- Inter Design Constraints
- Checking for Interferences
- Hide and Suppress Parts in an Assembly
- Minimum Motion
- Replace Component (Best Case)
- Replace Component (Worst Case)
- Exploded View – Edit Assembly Steps
- Exploded View – Creating A PDF
- Assembly Configurations
- Assembly Patterns
- Sub-Assemblies and BOM
Messa in tavola e distinta pezzi
- Introduction 2D Drawings & Bill of Materials
- Standard View Creation Dialog Box
- Precise Views vs. Fast Views & Reproject
- Sketching On Sheet Versus The View
- Section Views
- Auxiliary Views
- Detail Views
- Broken Views
- Partial Views
- In Place Editing
- Dimension Design vs. Sketch Dimensions
- Dimension Styles
- Theoretical Intersections
- Engineering Symbols
- Drawing Explorer, Edit, Move Views And Reorder
- Tables
- Custom Templates
- Bill of Materials (BOM)
- Printing And Exporting
- Using A .dwg or .dxf To Create A Part